Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Prayers Being Answered

Hi Family and Friends,

Gary is now entering the middle of his fourth week of treatments. I know many, many people have been praying for him daily that he will tolerate the radiation and chemotherapy. Well, the Lord has graciously answered our prayers as Gary has been feeling so good that he returned to work this past Monday and has been working everyday. He has not been experiencing any of the expected side effects; he has very little nausea, lots of energy, good appetite and no hair loss.

We are doing a lot of driving, bringing him to work in the morning and picking him up at work whenever his treatment is booked and then returning him to work to finish off the day. David, our son, who works in London picks him up on the way home. With my flexibility and all the volunteer drivers to take him for treatments at least 3 times a week it is all working out very well and we are most grateful.

We know that God hears prayers and wants us to continue to depend on Him.
Please continue to pray that this good health continues, that the treatment is killing off the cancer cells and that he may continue to go to work.

All praise and thanks to God.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cancer is so Limited

Cancer is so Limited
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat peace away,
It cannot destroy confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the Spirit,
It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection.
-author unknown

Friday, September 3, 2010

Visits with Doctors

Once again another week has gone by. I have now received two full weeks of treatment. We were at Victoria Hospital every day this week, and two days we met with three different doctors. On Monday we met with the Neurosurgeon Dr. Steven. That time, we had hoped that I could go off the anti-seizure drug,Dilantin, and that I would be able to drive again soon.

Today, however, we met with Dr. Macdonald and Dr. Fisher, the chemotherapy and radiation oncologists, and I found that a notice had been sent to the ministry and my license will be suspended for at least six months. This was somewhat disappointing news. However,I will be tapering off one of the other drugs, and this is good news, because it is the one that had caused the most side effects. As well, we have not yet heard from U.I. as to when and how much I will be receiving from them.

I am feeling very well and have so far not experienced any side effects from the radiation or chemo. I am thankful that I am remaining in good spirits and am able to trust that God is in control and He is trustworthy. I am very grateful for the help we have received, both in financing the cost of driving, as well as the people who have generously volunteered their time to drive me to London and back. We have also received many delicious meals (to the extent that I am worried about getting too fat).

The total time spent for a radiation treatment is about two and a half hours a day, with it being a one hour drive and the average time spent there being a half an hour. On the days that I meet with doctors Joanne drives me in because it will take longer (We set out at 8:30 today and returned at 3:30 P.M.) and she likes to be there for the consultations.

Thanks for the nice card Nigel, your prayers mean a lot to us!

We continue to receive cards and best wishes and the assurance of prayers as well and this is most appreciated.