Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, but we need to express our thankfulness every single day and not only to God but to those around us, not only for big things but the little things too!
For some months Gary and the boys were planning to re-shingle the back part of our house. So mid-October Brad Meinen and his crew graciously volunteered to help them out. Late Friday afternoon they came to set up and continued early the next morning. It was done at 12:30 p.m.
Thanks Brad Meinen, Dan Bergsma, John Timmermans and Norm Rolleman for helping Gary and the boys out and for coming out on your day off!
I was looking at some old emails the other day and one had a text reference at the bottom, Lam. 3:22. I forgot what it said until I came across it one morning while reading.
It says, "Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness." Then not long after that I heard Frenando Ortega sing, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and I knew I had to share this song on our blog. (Gary and I are now calling it 'our' blog)
I have attached the song on another post.
Jess and I went for a walk to the back of our farm one frosty morning this week. The land looked so bare with all the crops harvested. It felt all too much like a winter morning.
God is faithful. He keeps everything in order like the sun, moon and stars. We experience summer and winter and spring time and harvest every year again. God never changes and is compassionate.
We are thankful for a great harvest of our crops. Also, Gary has had a good week while taking his first out of six monthly chemo treatments.
I hope this song, Great is Thy Faithfulness, is a blessing to you as it is to me. These words of the text/song come to mind often and I can only thank God for blessing us so much.
I pray that we will praise Him everyday no matter what his plans are for our lives.