Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thoughts While Reading

While I was on vacation recently I had the opportunity to do some reading. (The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis, Heaven by Joni Earickson and some novels, and I didn’t finish them all.) It being a beautiful week, we also enjoyed the weather and the lakes.( Hiking, biking and swimming)

It was a enormous joy to see and spend time with my family, both my brothers and sisters and Joanne’s, also Mom and Dad Pennings. I have read Randy Alcorn’s book Heaven, and a good part of Joni Earickson’s book and this got me thinking. I am sure many of us have wondered whether we will recognize our loved ones in heaven. I do not know the answer to this question without a doubt, but I like to imagine that when we arrive there, we will have the joy of dear loved ones already there greeting us, as happened at Port Burwell Provincial Park, or, like at Pinery Provincial Park, to be there and repeatedly have the joy of finding that another of your children or brothers and sisters has arrived. (For the most beautiful description of this that I have ever seen, read The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis and Revelation 21 :1-7).

Those of you who have a relationship with Jesus as Saviour will be able to empathize with this. For those of you who read this blog and know nothing of this, I would ask you to think about what will happen at the end of your life. All of us will some day have to face our maker. Many people believe that to get into heaven all you have to do is die.

The Bible tells us, however, that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and this not just physical death but separation from God for eternity in hell. Because all have sinned, unless God’s anger is appeased, our default destination is Hell, not Heaven. This is hard to understand for us because we tend to judge our actions and morality by society’s standards and the way others act. If there is a God who created everything, however, He has the right to set the standards and He has done so in His book, the Bible.

God in love has provided a way to escape this punishment, however. The same verse that tells us of the punishment ends with “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. 1John 4:10 says: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

A secular jailer in Phillipi who met the early apostles in the early days of the church was convicted of his sin and asked: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”

Jesus Himself said "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” ( Mt 11:28). 2Peter 3 : 9 says: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”

All who recognize that they deserve God’s punishment, turn from sin and follow God to the best of their ability and trust that Jesus took their punishment will be forgiven and one day share eternal joy in heaven.

I plead with all who read this blog to read the article found here. (you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser.)

Once again, thank you all for your support and prayers.

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