Monday, January 31, 2011

Driving Again

Gary is taking a drive in David's new car, a Mazda 3, just before dark.

Hi Family and Friends,

Another prayer answered.

The day has arrived...last week Monday Gary was given the ok to drive again!
It has been just over 6 months since Gary's surgery and he has not driven since.

Gary said it felt weird to drive on his own again, like he was doing something he wasn't supposed to do.
It felt really strange for me too as driving Gary to work and picking him up had become a daily routine.
I will miss spending all this extra time with him but I'm very happy that Gary can drive again.
I think Jessica will benefit from it too as our homeschooling will once again start on time.

Gary's next MRI will be on Sat. Feb.12 and he has tolerated his fourth round of chemo very well.

We are very thankful to God and ask that you continue to pray for us.

Thanks Joanne and Gary

"Let the peoples praise You, O God;
Let all the peoples praise You." Psalm 67:3,5


  1. Still praying for you all, you are in our thoughts often! We hope and pray that things continue to go well.
    Love Rick and Megan

  2. So nice that Gary can drive again and having the privilege to drive the new Mazda 3 to boot. :)
    Especially thankful to hear things are going well.Praying that we'll hear good results from the upcoming MRI.You're in our daily prayers.
    Love Linda & Al
