Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Disappointing News

Dear Family and Friends,

It’s been three months since the last MRI. Gary has been taking chemo pills for all that time. We were disappointed to hear from the doctor on March 12th that the MRI taken on  March 8th shows that the  tumor is growing back. The chemo he has been on has not been able to shrink the tumor or hold it back and there continues to be some swelling.
Gary will be starting on  a different chemotherapy drug starting on March 26th .  The doctor felt his body needed time to rest before he started on the new therapy. The new drug is to be taken one day every 6 weeks. Apparently this drug  is harder on the blood so Gary will need his blood tested several times during this 6 wk period.
Gary  remains quite weak and tired. His headaches have been minimal. We now are concerned with high blood sugars.
Gary seems upbeat, taking things in stride. We know God will not leave our side. So whatever the future holds for us, we know we are not facing it alone.
Knowing that all of you and many more are praying for us daily also lifts our spirits.
God doesn't change. Not His Word, promises, plans, love, forgiveness or salvation. We will trust in Him. 

We continue to be grateful for your many prayers.

Joanne and Gary

Our First Wedding Feb.18, 2012


Just enough snow fell fresh the morning of the wedding to make everything WHITE and COLD!

We had a wonderful day celebrating David and Leanne's wedding.

Mom's Speech

David came into the world weighing  9.1,
I couldn’t  believe that he was our son,
5 and 6 pounders was all we had had.
We were not expecting such a big lad.

It  took 3 days before he had a name.
Picking his name had become a hard game.
Ryan-- or David-- which would it be?
Well, Dad won out, David Henry it would be.

David was always a determined boy.
Sensible, and kind,  giving us much joy.
He was always ready and eager to help.
Had the right tools ready before anyone yelled.

Got his first job when he was eleven.
Joined the army when he was ten plus seven.
Persuaded his parents to give him permission.
Two years paraded and learned army submission.

At seventeen he also bought his first car.
Add in his pizza job money-- and  he could go far.
Worked in a factory,-- worked with cows,
He is now an electrician as he takes his vows.

David always seemed to know what he wanted 
and didn’t stop trying until he got it.
So once he saw Leanne as a life-time prospect;
He asked for her hand and in no time got it.

Both love the Lord with all their heart.
In marriage there’s no better start.
Reading God’s word and obeying Him.
There’s no doubt you will always win.

We officially welcome you, Leanne,
To this Dutch, Vandenbrink family clan.
Like a daughter and sister from the start,
God blessed us with a talented, sweet  girl--with a big heart. 

Just know you’re both real special.
And blessed to have found each other.
May you live a long and healthy life.
That’s filled with love forever.

David and Leanne,
We love you!

A Sensible Story

We always said that David was a sensible boy so here’s the story.

When David was 2 1/2 or 3 years old he often watched his siblings, Michael and Christine, slide down the upstairs banister.  One day I found him at the top of the stairs–contemplating, with his little leg trying to reach over the banister. He was thinking hard.  Then I heard him mumble under his breathe, “Break my neck!” and he was sensible enough not to go down.

As an electrician, David works in high-rise apartment buildings and told Joanne the other day that sometimes he has to climb 25 flights of stairs to get to his work site.

I want you to know David that your mom and I pray for your safety everyday,


Gary's Wedding Speech

At a time like this it is easy to find numerous poems and sayings from the internet, some of which are actually quite worthwhile. But it is in the word of God that we have the promise that His Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path, so it is prudent to use it. It would be nice to have the confidence that the patriarchs and the apostles had that whatever blessings they conveyed would come to pass. But since I am not a patriarch or an apostle, the best I can do is refer to scripture that has promises so to speak "built in" although they are conditional promises.

Like for instance Psalm 128:1 " Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways.
2  When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.
3  Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants All around your table.
4  Behold, thus shall the man be blessed Who fears the LORD.
5  The LORD bless you out of Zion, And may you see the good of Jerusalem All the days of your life.
6  Yes, may you see your children’s children. Peace be upon Israel!"

David and Leanne,
When our kids were little I often thought of buying one of those really sturdy wagons with rubber wheels to pull you in (but for some reason we never did). Possibly the Dutch thing again?  Now I am looking forward to pulling grandchildren down the lane-way in a wagon like that and taking walks in the woods, the Lord willing.

It is our prayer and wish that God will continue to bless you in the field of your work and family but mostly that the Holy Spirit will guide you in your married life.

We love you,