Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Disappointing News

Dear Family and Friends,

It’s been three months since the last MRI. Gary has been taking chemo pills for all that time. We were disappointed to hear from the doctor on March 12th that the MRI taken on  March 8th shows that the  tumor is growing back. The chemo he has been on has not been able to shrink the tumor or hold it back and there continues to be some swelling.
Gary will be starting on  a different chemotherapy drug starting on March 26th .  The doctor felt his body needed time to rest before he started on the new therapy. The new drug is to be taken one day every 6 weeks. Apparently this drug  is harder on the blood so Gary will need his blood tested several times during this 6 wk period.
Gary  remains quite weak and tired. His headaches have been minimal. We now are concerned with high blood sugars.
Gary seems upbeat, taking things in stride. We know God will not leave our side. So whatever the future holds for us, we know we are not facing it alone.
Knowing that all of you and many more are praying for us daily also lifts our spirits.
God doesn't change. Not His Word, promises, plans, love, forgiveness or salvation. We will trust in Him. 

We continue to be grateful for your many prayers.

Joanne and Gary


  1. We are and will continue to pray for you!
    Love the Clarkes

  2. Joanne and Gary, just finished reading every entry of your blog. We pray for strength and courage for both of you. Underneath are the everlasting arms - when we are tired and feeling frail, those arms are holding us and protecting us. We pray that you will feel that very strongly.
    Love, Garry and Marietta

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