Sunday, July 18, 2010

Greetings from Gary

Yesterday we had a quiet day. Gary came out of the observation unit about noon and is now in a private room (#105 on 7th floor).
He told me he had quite a morning as he was to go for another CT scan but they left him out in the hall for quite some time because for some reason he no longer had a name band. No ID, no test. He said he was taken out of his room just as his breakfast was being brought in and he was starving!! Later he said to me, "I told you I needed my cell phone, I could have called for help."
His appetite remains very good.
It was Gary's idea to share this picture. He is getting up on his own and is not experiencing too much pain.


  1. Wow you look great!! I sure hope they gave you some breakfast or else Mike will have to smuggle in some timbits :)
    Ralph and Heather

  2. Would I ever love to visit! Like Gary with no ID, I have no passport at the moment. No passport, no visit. We are working at it though and hope to fly back before the snow flies. Be assured of our love, thoughts and prayers.
    Much love,

  3. Seriously, right now, you never looked better!

  4. Glad to see Gary smiling!!! How can the hospital lose his ID band?Hoping & praying for all of you.
