Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Visits Continue

On Sunday morning I was too tired to go to the first church service, not being able to sleep all night doesn't help. I did make it to the second service and enjoyed being with our church family.
Thanks to everyone for your words of comfort and concern. There has been so much response and love expressed, It is overwhelming.
We visited my mom and dad Vandenbrink. My dad is not doing so well. He is 89 yrs. old and our family is taking care of them 24/7. Steve and Karen were also there.
Frank and Adriana (Joanne's brother) dropped in on Sun. night. We had a good visit too.
A friend(Heather DeWitt) vacationing in Nova Scotia also called to let us know they were thinking of us.

Sister Hennie and Rick dropped in and stayed for supper. They were impressed with Christine's wonderful cooking.

I slept till almost noon as usual. I'm letting Joanne sleep through the night as I wander around on and off.
Mom and Dad Pennings came today at about 3:30 pm. It's a blessing that they are both very healthy and able to visit.
Joanne and Jim Schreuders came to share time with us as Joanne also went through an experience like this. They were also very helpful. Praying with family and friends is very meaningful.

I was up a little earlier today ( at 9:00, which is a lot earlier then lately, because lately I have not slept very well at night-but have a hard time getting up in the morning).
I had a nice visit from my sister Mary and had lunch with my good friend Greg Kenyon.
Joanne's brother Ron Pennings also dropped in this afternoon, as well as Darlene Evans from work. Mom & Dad Pennings visited yesterday as well.

As I have said before, all the care and concern and prayers are overwhelming, and I appreciate them very much.
Thank you all for you cares and concern for me and my family.

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